Wednesday, August 4, 2010


to Product Of the Week! A couple of years ago, I started sending out POW emails to my coworkers. As people came and went or emails were shared I got a few followers outside of work. Recently I decided to turn it into a blog in order to 1. reach more people and 2. create an archive of the items.
I generally try to do them on Fridays and the items are usually products though sometimes they are projects or concepts or anything that I find worth sharing. If you find anything you think would make a good POW, you are welcome to send it to me and I will try to get it posted.
I will also be trying to back log past POWs on this blog so you can browse or research or maybe laugh at what I thought was cool two years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Great products! I look forward to seeing more ideas from you!
