Thursday, December 30, 2010

What great lines you have!

The Helios chair from Spigoli Vivi is part chair part night light. The Italian design duo wanted to solve the "improper use of a chair" when used as a bed side table - which I'm sure most of us did at some point during college. Now you have a piece that correctly functions as both. Some of their other products hide lighting in interesting ways too. Check out Stick. All of the headers on the website are in English but all the content is in Italian so maybe some of you out there can glean some further insight into their inspiration.

Hodnebo is a Norwegian furniture and accessory company with a very comfy residential feel. The Spinnaker chair uses old boat sails for the sling support topped with an upholstered cushion. The sloping, cradling shape is supposed to be good for blood flow and for the back, but also mimics the shape of an actual spinnaker sail. The steel framing and hardware also found inspiration in boat rigging. So on those freezing cold Norwegian winter days, you can curl up in your sail chair and dream of those cold Norwegian summer days on the water.

No really, check out the lines on that chair! The Tour Lounge from Aprro Design (you will have to navigate from the menu on the left) has a singular support that comes up from the base. This allows the seat to give with what I think would be a fair amount of bounce, but it also rotates around the base. The angle of the seat compliments the angle of the support and the mirrored finish on the base minimizes its appearance. Be sure to click through their other designs. The JFK series looks great too.

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